Monday, June 20, 2011

West Virginia Hills

June 20 = West Virginia Day

I was reminded this morning of the great state song of WV. As I read the words again, I could hear the sweet voice of my Great-Grandma Wolfe singing them as a reminder of where I come from.

I just wanted to take a minute and post the words here, written over a century ago. Give it a quick read and take it in.

"The West Virginia Hills"

Oh, the West Virginia hills! How majestic and how grand,
With their summits bathed in glory, Like our Prince Immanuel's Land!
Is it any wonder then, That my heart with rapture thrills,
As I stand once more with loved ones On those West Virginia hills?


Oh, the hills, beautiful hills, How I love those West Virginia hills!
If o'er sea o'er land I roam, Still I'll think of happy home,
And my friends among the West Virginia hills.

Oh, the West Virginia hills! Where my childhood hours were passed,
Where I often wandered lonely, And the future tried to cast;
Many are our visions bright, Which the future ne'er fulfills;
But how sunny were my daydreams On those West Virginia hills!


Oh, the West Virginia hills! How unchang'd they seem to stand,
With their summits pointed skyward To the Great Almighty's Land!
Many changes I can see, Which my heart with sadness fills;
But no changes can be noticed In those West Virginia hills.


Oh, the West Virginia hills! I must bid you now adieu.
In my home beyond the mountains I shall ever dream of you;
In the evening time of life, If my Father only wills,
I shall still behold the vision Of those West Virginia hills.


Origin of Song:

"The West Virginia Hills," "This Is My West Virginia," and "West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home" were designated as the official State Songs of West Virginia, each ranking equally with the others in official status, by House Concurrent Resolution No. 19, adopted by the Legislature on February 28, 1963.

Ellen King, the author of the song "The West Virginia Hills," was born in Glenville on April 22, 1846.

1885. On September 15, "The West Virginia Hills" by Ellen King was published. It later became one of the official state songs. Source: Clagg, West Virginia Historical Almanac, p. 113.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Are there about a million things you wanted to do today that didn't get done??? Maybe it's just me. If you happen to be in this boat, I commend to you this blog from J. D. Walt:

"The Problem with Baked Lays..."

I probably would have posted this blog tomorrow if I hadn't read it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

He was trafficked over 1600 years ago...

Over 1600 years ago there was a young boy of 14 years, trafficked as a slave from Scotland to land of Druids and pagans. As a slave for over 6 years tending sheep he learned the local language and culture. Finally, he escaped his captors and was reunited with his family.

In an act of redemption, God called this freed slave back to his captors. Once captive, now free, he brought the Good News of Jesus - Hope, Salvation, LOVE to transform this dark, rough land... Ireland.

St. Patrick himself was a victim of human trafficking. He turned around and fought it head on by returning to the very people who captured him and showed them love and compassion like they'd never seen!

How are we fighting this horrific crime today? As you celebrate this day of green, in whatever way you may be, remember those who are in slavery and those who hold them captive. St. Patrick helped transform a nation. So can you!

Read more on the story of St. Patrick here.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Freedom Sunday

Today is Freedom Sunday - a day set aside to increase awareness and encourage action against human trafficking. Love Chapel Hill is one of nearly 2400 churches, spread across 50 countries to join as a part of the Abolitionist Faith Community.

ORANGE has been our recurring theme for the fight against human trafficking. Today we have had the opportunity to increase awareness about where and how slavery exists, but also some very simple ways that we can begin to make a difference.

As a apart of Love Chapel Hill's participation in Freedom Sunday, we watched a few key videos which are posted below. I've also posted here a few other videos that are really eye opening.

** Please know that the topic of human trafficking can be very raw and offensive. These videos, while mostly shown on mainstream television, do contain content that I would consider to be for mature audiences only; best watched in a group setting.

If you have any questions about ORANGE, Freedom Sunday, or human trafficking in general, please feel free to email me and I'll do my best to get you connected to the information you are looking for.

Check out these videos:
Freedom Sunday:


Call+Response Extended Trailer - KEY INFO

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sharing the Journey of Lent

Lent is perhaps the most difficult season of the Christian Church calendar. It's dark, a desert place, wilderness that causes an intense introspection. Even though we know LIGHT defeats darkness, we walk through this season, surrendering and submitting again that Jesus paid the price and walked through the deepest and darkest places, taking on our sin and death.

As we remember what Christ has done, we as a church are walking through this season together in fasting and in prayer. I want to invite you to share in this journey as we read common texts over these 40 days. Join us over at the Love Chapel Hill blog - 40 days.