Friday, July 24, 2009

Marriage is...

Marriage is a life,
A life lived not for yourself,
But for the one who holds your heart.

Marriage is a bond and a friendship,
One that is unrivaled by another,
another In this world.

Marriage is a source of grace,
And hope for sharing love
That knows no bounds.

Marriage is not a mere season,
But a calendar of decades
Planned for a lifetime of adventure.

Marriage is a celebration
of the perfect unity
found only in the mystery of our creator.

Today Jeanine and I look back over five years of marriage in amazement at how love can grow! I'm so thankful for this beautiful gift... This lovely lady!

1 comment:

Mom Simmons said...

You are a wonderful pair and a beautiful example of what marriage is meant to be.... and I'm not old enough to have a child who's been married 5 years already!! Happy Anniversary.