Saturday, December 16, 2006

Finals are over, Now what?

From : Justin -

What a semester and what a week! Of the 91 pages I wrote this semester (not to mention the other 44 that I was in collaboration on writing and editing), and the nearly 50 hours put into a video project, about 20 of those pages and 25 hours of the video were crammed into the past 5 days. Of course that doesn't count the couple thousand pages of reading I had to do this semester (there was a lot of "skimming" involved :) I closed down the library three nights in a row this week only to come home and continue working into the early morning hours. In the midst of it all it can be easy to forget why we're all doing this, and what its all about.

As I just pause even for a minute to look back on the semester I can see some amazing transformation that has taken place in my life. Through the development of accountablility relationships, consistant time in the word, the meeting of a small group affectionately known as "the fellowship", great friends and the love of my wife - God has revealed Himself and His amazing love in so many ways. It has become more and more clear that God has called us here in our brokenness to be prepared for ministry regardless of the when and where. It's not until we realize that the murderer and adulterer are loved just the same as the devoted church goer that we can begin to confess our own sins and begin to move to a deeper relationship with the one who created us and died for us.

This truely has been an amazing semester, difficult for sure, but the "ordeal" is good. As Os Guiness puts it, we have two callings. The first is to relationship with God and the second is to our vocation. It is has been this first call that has deepened to new places over the last few semesters and through it has come some initial discernment of my second calling. So, finals are over - Now what? I continue to chase after the one who made us and came to redeem us; to strive to be a better husband and to love people. I pray that the coming semesters will be more of the same as I still have a lot to learn!

Have a great Christmas!

Celebrating Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey J and J I loved reading your blog, and your photographs show God's magnificent Glory. Shine on for Jesus.

Christ's awesome love, Laura Roberts, (in the Ozarks with Tom)