Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Pastor and My Friend..

I just got home from "the story: a journey in the life of jesus". It's a Bible Study of this new church starting in Chapel Hill, NC down on Franklin Street. Check it out! We had some great discussion tonight about Jesus and His turning toward the cross in the last few days of His life. My pastor and my good friend Matt LeRoy brought a great time of teaching from the book of John. Matt is just an anointed and gifted teacher of the Word. It's an honor to get to work with this guy!

Anyone is welcome at "the story" that meets in the upstairs of McAlister's Deli on Franklin Street. Every Tuesday night at 7 we share a meal and dive into the life of Jesus. Come join us on a Tuesday night. Find out more at www.lovechapelhill.com

I've got some pictures from DC coming, not to mention this weekend is our annual whitewater race in Webster Springs, WV. Fun stuff...stay tuned!

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